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V-Archive is free software to archive and play recordings. The software works with various Vidicode products like Call Recorder VoIP, V-Tap Analog, V-Tap VoIP en V-Mic (audio recorder with built-in microphone).

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Use V-Archive to store all your recordings in a central database. V-Archive is PC software that works in combination with:

• Call Recorder VoIP : Call Recorder VoIP devices can send network data to a port connected to a PC running V-Archive, for recording and archival.
• V-Tap : V-Tap devices are available for various telephony interfaces, and can send the captured telephone call data to the V-Archive software for recording and/or archival. Vidicode offers the V-Tap VoIP, V-Tap Analog, V-Tap ISDN BRI, V-Tap ISDN PRI, and V-Tap VoIP + Proxy.
• Virtual V-Tap: Virtual V-Tap is PC software to record VoIP telephone calls. It captures VoIP data from an IP network.
V-Mic : V-Mic records audio from a built-in or external microphone. The recordings are stored on an SD-card and sent over the network to V-Archive on PC. When encryption is turned on, this provides a secure way of call recording.

V-Archive Features

• The V-Archive application has a comprehensive database and search function. Properties include date and time, duration, direction, and telephone number. Properties of the recordings are displayed in corresponding columns. It is possible to sort the recordings according to the recording properties by clicking on the header of the column.
• The recording files (.wav) are stored in the GSM or G.711 format. These files can be played on almost any PC, and can be used to share recordings with other people.
• You can attach a name to a specific telephone number.
• You can add notes to recordings
• The database can be shared with other Vidicode products: Call Recorder Pico and Call Recorder Oygo.


Open the search panel in the lower left corner of the main screen by clicking on the Search button. Search for date, weeknumber, time, duration, device (recorder), telefoonnumber or ID, name or notes. It is possible to search for the telephone number of the remote caller if the number has been detected. You can create Search Actions and store them for later use.

The playback key functions resemble the ordinary key functions known from for instance the VCR.

• A: Move the playback position backward.
• B: Start or pause the playback of the currently selected recording.
• C: Stop the playback, or stop the recording when a call is recorded on demand
• Note: When recording on demand is active, an additional red record button can be used to start the recording.
• D: Move the playback position forward.
• E: Information about the current playback or recording is displayed here. Click on the progress bar to move to a specific position.
• F: Controls the playback volume.

Export and import from and to the database

It is possible to export single recordings, or a group of recordings, from the application to another folder. It is also possible to export a group of recordings, bundled in an application database. This function can be used to share recordings with other V-Archive users. If you want to make a backup, you can also store a group of recordings as an application database. Exported databases can be imported to V-Archive using the import function.

Transcription of audio recordings

VoiceCrunch transcription for V-Tap

Recordings stored in V-Archive can be transcribed using VoiceCrunch. This online service will analyse the audio and create text. It will send the text to V-Archive, where it will appear in the note field of the recording. Note fields of recordings are searchable in the V-Archive software. For audio transcription to work, an account at VoiceCrunch is needed.


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Diagram & Video

V-Archive and the V-Tap VoIP